Thursday, December 16, 2010

WALL-E Diary #5

When i next awoke from the awful shock i got from the auto bot i was covered in trash and in this room full of just garbage. I but then see Eva trying to get me out finding anyway she can to save us. We were about to be disposed into space. Eva finally got me out and we saw the door had been stopped open just a bit by another very small robot who seemed to be the one the was cleaning me when i first entered the flying object. We were saved! The system shut down and stopped all the doors opened and were able to escape. Eva saw i had the plant with me, so we were going to take it and end this once and for all. We were back on the crazy road again trying to find our way back to the captains room. We came across some police bots again and they took our picture and it was all over the place to alert people. Soon enough there were more and more police bots chasing us everywhere, it was like a whole fleet of them; every single last one of them. But this time we had the help of all the crazy robots on our side. We took all the police bots down and continued our journey. The captain told us where to place the plant in. We raced over to pool area where the captain told us. I was about to put the plant in the holder when suddenly the flying machine tilted dramatically. I lost the plant as it flew out of my reach. everyone was falling to one side of the room. The big plant holder was about to close, i was using all my will to push it up and keep it up til Eva could get it. I was being crushed by the enormous power. I soon enough shut down as this holder crushed me up into a small square. The next time i new was awake i felt weird. I had no clue how long it has been or where i was, or who was even helping me. The only thing i new was my directive, and that was to clean garbage up. There was some white robot in front of me. It was touching me and all this stuff i didn't know what it was doing. So i entered out onto Earth and started to clean up. This white robot kept following me and telling me things. It did one thing though that flipped my memory, it held my hand and said "Eva and Wall-e." My memory was back i remember that was Eva and she was the one that saved me. Everything was back to normal. All the people were on Earth too. Civilization was back.

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