Monday, December 13, 2010

WALL-E Diary #2

Day two: I woke up today feeling a quite tired and restless; I was unable to get my self going for the first while. As i went out for work doing my daily route collecting trash, i came across some foreign items that caught my attention. I wasn't sure exactly what they were, but one item that caught my eye was some sort of green leafy object embedded in a mixture of some sort. I took some of each and stashed it away for later. I take this object back to my house to put it away, when all of a sudden a red dot appears on the ground. I was amazed with this and was following it around everywhere. I chased it for miles and miles until it stopped. I was trying to get a hold of it but it seemed as if i couldn't. Then a whole pile of red dots came about in a circle, a loud roar follows them. As i look into to sky to see what the sound is i am frightened as i see only a huge blast of flames coming i scramble to run away but the smoke and flames all around cave me in, my only hope ans last resort was to bury myself in the ground. As i uncovered myself from the molten rock shivering in fear, a machine pops out with some object i quick find cover. Then what appears to be another robot of another kind is no farther then 40 yards from me. It starts to move around doing things i have never seen. I follow it around the rest of the day trying to get noticed by it and find out what it is. The next day comes and as it is doing its own work i follow, then suddenly it shoots a blast of rays at me. It sees me and i take my step forward slowly making my way to it. We speak to each other about who we are, and what our job is. I find out the robots name is Eva. I can't seem to get it right though. Then another loud roar is upon me, i look down the landscape and see another heavy sandstorm inbound. I yell at Eva to follow me and get down, it does not follow. We are caught in the storm now, i rush over to grab Eva and we race all the way to my house and i take it inside. As the noise slowly runs away and the sound inside my house is silent, i show Eva around the place and some objects i have found. Eva is astonished with the things inside my house i show her. I show Eva the T.V i have and the dancing around they do. I try to make contact with Eva but I'm scared to see what happens.

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