Tuesday, December 14, 2010

WALL-E Diary #3

Near the end of the night as i was showing Eva more of my items i have found. I decided to show her the green foreign object i found earlier. All of a sudden a green flashing light with a leaf popped up, i was alarmed by this and was unsure of what was going on. Then it seems as if Eva just shut down. I was scared, i had much fear now, i didn't know what was wrong, if i had done something to Eva. I took her everywhere i went to see if i could find or do anything to bring Eva back. After a whole day i just wasn't sure what to do anymore, so i left Eva on top of my house and went out to work. As i was cleaning up, i hear a rumble getting louder and louder. I look up in the sky to see what it is, and again like last time it was the same big flying object with flames landing in. It was going for Eva, it was taking her away! I drove as fast as i could go to get back a save Eva, i didn't want her to go. But the flying object got Eva, i had only one choice left. I leaped up onto the rail and held on with all my life. The flying object then blasted off into the sky. In a few seconds we reached a new area i have never seen, it seemed like just space. All these bright lights and wavy circles, it was something unreal and simple just amazing. At first i thought this flying thing was huge, but then we turn around a cloud and this gigantic flying object, about 100 times as big even more appeared. We enter into the flying machine and i make sure i follow Eva wherever it goes, i will not lose my sight on her. It goes through a bunch of scans from these other types of robots i have never seen before they were so hi tech. I tried everything to get by them and stick with Eva. So i get by them but then i enter into some sort of street with all these robots zooming by. I glance quickly and turn back and Eva is gone, i see it down the way. I chase Eva down rushing as fast as i could. After going through what seemed to be the whole place passing different things like: these larger talking objects that really had no clue what anything was going on, signs used by new technology, and many more items i have never seen. Finally we get into what seems to be the main room, the captains room. I stay right beside Eva but hidden and unseen. Then again one of those larger talking objects appear out of the door but in a white small fit jacket. He then went on a microphone and start talking to the other larger objects. Then came over to Eva and pushed a button and suddenly Eva was back to life. I was astonished with disbelieve. I wanted to go over and see what was happening but i had to stay hidden.

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