Wednesday, December 15, 2010

WALL-E Diary #4

A computer screen had popped up out of no where with the president of BnL confronting the issue of finding the green object. It said "if you are watching this video right now, you will be able to return to Earth." The auto bot of the captain looked inside of Eva for the foreign item, but it wasn't there. They then sent Eva to a repair shop because they thought something was wrong with Eva because it did not have the item it said it had. During this i was wondering around trying to stay hidden but then they needed a book to read instructions on what to do with this green object, i was caught. I need to find a way to stay with Eva. As i handed the book to the captain, i dropped dirty along with it. Then the captain said i was to be sent as well to be cleaned. As me and Eva were on our way to the repair shop, i tried to talk to Eva about what was going on, but it seemed as if Eva was mad at me. When we got to the repair shop i was thrown into a small area surrounded but blue rays, i couldn't get out. Eva was then taken up head into a separate room where she would be repaired. I had to find a way to get to her. Around me were a whole bunch of crazy robots, i was scared. I could see through the door what was happening to Eva and some sound. It looked and sound as if they were going to shut Eva down and get rid of her. I panicked and used my own laser and blew open the blue rays around me and quickly headed for Eva. I broke through the glass to safe Eva. The robots working on Eva had the arm of Eva, i toke it from them, and shot it behind me. The blast went all the way to the other side and hit a barrier button. All the blue rays around the other crazy bots were gone. They all rushed towards me and picked me up. I got scared i wasn't sure why or what for. I started yelling for Eva as the other robots took me to the this road that i was on when we first entered the flying object. Then all of a sudden we stopped and police bots were in front of us. Eva came by my side took her arm back and attached it. One police bot took a picture then it enlarged and showed us together but with CAUTION written below it. Eva took me and we ran away fast. We had to stay hidden from the police bots and everything else. Eva took me to an escape pod. She was typing in stuff on the computer and was ready to send me out, but then a small robot was about to enter the room, we shut everything down and went to hide. When the robot entered it had the green object with it. It started to type in on the computer coordinates for earth, it then took the plant and placed it in the escape pod and then went to click the close door button to send the pod off. I quickly ran into the pod to try to get the plant. I got there in time and told Eva i have it but then the door shut. I began to panic, i didn't know what was going on, or if i would ever see Eva again. The pod then blasted off into space, i began to panic randomly pushing buttons to try and get out. Then there was a count down of time from 25 seconds. The pod was about to blow up, i look out the window and see Eva trying to chase after me to save me. I managed to find a red item that used some sort of gas, i was able to open the door just before it blew up, i went flying towards Eva. It was such joy to see Eva again! We were dancing and flying around everywhere because we were so happy to be together once again. Eva then kissed me and it was like a miracle come true, it was the happiest day of my life. We flew back into the building to get the plant into the right place. Eva told me to stay where i was and not move as she would go get the plant. She was gone for some while so i got worried i went the same place she went. But as i was climbing up the garbage disposal and about to enter the captains room something landed on my head. I popped up and saw Eva, the captain, but also the auto bot. I looked at what was dropped on my head and it was the green object. I took it and put it in my storage as the auto bot was attacking me trying to get it. Then all of a sudden i was hit by this powerful shock from the auto bot and it felt as if i were about to die. They tossed me and Eva down the garbage dump.

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