Friday, December 10, 2010

WALL-E Diary #1

WELCOME to my BLOG! The next few posts will be a 1st person view(Wall-E) of the movie WALL-E.

I am Collin WALL-E, a bot made in 2805. I am a trash compactor robot left on earth to clean all the mass consumerism. All humanity left earth and entered into space because of this destruction to earth. All that was left behind was me and fellow robots, but they soon malfunctioned and died off. I am the only thing left on this planet, and it is my duty to take care of this drastic event. I was working along one day when i found a small little creature in the middle of one of my trash piles, i had no friends no one to see or anything, so i decided to take him with me along my journey. Riding around all day, everyday, picking up trash and cleaning up dusty, dirty streets is hard work. After all my work on the day i ride home with my fellow companion and enter to my house. I turned on my T.V and as i was cleaning up my eye was taking away by this beautiful girl dancing around and holding hands with this man, the scenery was breath taking. I went to take a look outside in the night sky trying to see past the dust and dirty floating in the sky to see whats really up there. But then in a sudden movement i hear a roar of tumbling thunder. I think to myself was is it now. I see just over the garbage piles a few miles down a huge dust storm was coming right for me. I rush back into my house and rush to lift the flap door up. It finally closes and I'm in my house all alone hearing the loud sounds scream by me. I roll up into my box and close my eyes and try to forget about all that's going on and just sleep and let the day end. Hopefully tomorrow morning will bring better life.

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