Friday, January 14, 2011

WALL-E Post - Collin - Test D

"Wall-E" won't be getting a sequel treatment, insisted the animated movie's writer/director Andrew Stanton. Sharing out what he has in mind of the sequel issue, the 43-year-old filmmaker tells MTV News, "Personally, I never consider sequels. I think that takes a lot of hubris to think that your idea is going to live on and on, and I always love the idea of something just being contained and done."

Explaining the reason behind why he is not going to make the sequel for the robot romance film, Stanton points out on the working process of "Wall-E", "We work on these things for so long, that we have a hard time simply thinking that the [first] film is ever going to be done." The director of "Finding Nemo" further adds, "I'm not against sequels, and I've certainly experienced personally and seen secondhand great sequels, but I don't go in with that intent."

A 2008 computer-animated sci-fi/romance film from Pixar, "Wall-E" has become the studio's ninth consecutive movie to land #1 at the box office upon its release on June 26. Having collected so far $532.9 million worldwide, the animated film has won various awards, including the Best Animated Feature Film from the 66th Golden Globe Awards. It also received six nominations from the 81st Annual Academy Awards.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

WALL-E Diary #5

When i next awoke from the awful shock i got from the auto bot i was covered in trash and in this room full of just garbage. I but then see Eva trying to get me out finding anyway she can to save us. We were about to be disposed into space. Eva finally got me out and we saw the door had been stopped open just a bit by another very small robot who seemed to be the one the was cleaning me when i first entered the flying object. We were saved! The system shut down and stopped all the doors opened and were able to escape. Eva saw i had the plant with me, so we were going to take it and end this once and for all. We were back on the crazy road again trying to find our way back to the captains room. We came across some police bots again and they took our picture and it was all over the place to alert people. Soon enough there were more and more police bots chasing us everywhere, it was like a whole fleet of them; every single last one of them. But this time we had the help of all the crazy robots on our side. We took all the police bots down and continued our journey. The captain told us where to place the plant in. We raced over to pool area where the captain told us. I was about to put the plant in the holder when suddenly the flying machine tilted dramatically. I lost the plant as it flew out of my reach. everyone was falling to one side of the room. The big plant holder was about to close, i was using all my will to push it up and keep it up til Eva could get it. I was being crushed by the enormous power. I soon enough shut down as this holder crushed me up into a small square. The next time i new was awake i felt weird. I had no clue how long it has been or where i was, or who was even helping me. The only thing i new was my directive, and that was to clean garbage up. There was some white robot in front of me. It was touching me and all this stuff i didn't know what it was doing. So i entered out onto Earth and started to clean up. This white robot kept following me and telling me things. It did one thing though that flipped my memory, it held my hand and said "Eva and Wall-e." My memory was back i remember that was Eva and she was the one that saved me. Everything was back to normal. All the people were on Earth too. Civilization was back.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

WALL-E Diary #4

A computer screen had popped up out of no where with the president of BnL confronting the issue of finding the green object. It said "if you are watching this video right now, you will be able to return to Earth." The auto bot of the captain looked inside of Eva for the foreign item, but it wasn't there. They then sent Eva to a repair shop because they thought something was wrong with Eva because it did not have the item it said it had. During this i was wondering around trying to stay hidden but then they needed a book to read instructions on what to do with this green object, i was caught. I need to find a way to stay with Eva. As i handed the book to the captain, i dropped dirty along with it. Then the captain said i was to be sent as well to be cleaned. As me and Eva were on our way to the repair shop, i tried to talk to Eva about what was going on, but it seemed as if Eva was mad at me. When we got to the repair shop i was thrown into a small area surrounded but blue rays, i couldn't get out. Eva was then taken up head into a separate room where she would be repaired. I had to find a way to get to her. Around me were a whole bunch of crazy robots, i was scared. I could see through the door what was happening to Eva and some sound. It looked and sound as if they were going to shut Eva down and get rid of her. I panicked and used my own laser and blew open the blue rays around me and quickly headed for Eva. I broke through the glass to safe Eva. The robots working on Eva had the arm of Eva, i toke it from them, and shot it behind me. The blast went all the way to the other side and hit a barrier button. All the blue rays around the other crazy bots were gone. They all rushed towards me and picked me up. I got scared i wasn't sure why or what for. I started yelling for Eva as the other robots took me to the this road that i was on when we first entered the flying object. Then all of a sudden we stopped and police bots were in front of us. Eva came by my side took her arm back and attached it. One police bot took a picture then it enlarged and showed us together but with CAUTION written below it. Eva took me and we ran away fast. We had to stay hidden from the police bots and everything else. Eva took me to an escape pod. She was typing in stuff on the computer and was ready to send me out, but then a small robot was about to enter the room, we shut everything down and went to hide. When the robot entered it had the green object with it. It started to type in on the computer coordinates for earth, it then took the plant and placed it in the escape pod and then went to click the close door button to send the pod off. I quickly ran into the pod to try to get the plant. I got there in time and told Eva i have it but then the door shut. I began to panic, i didn't know what was going on, or if i would ever see Eva again. The pod then blasted off into space, i began to panic randomly pushing buttons to try and get out. Then there was a count down of time from 25 seconds. The pod was about to blow up, i look out the window and see Eva trying to chase after me to save me. I managed to find a red item that used some sort of gas, i was able to open the door just before it blew up, i went flying towards Eva. It was such joy to see Eva again! We were dancing and flying around everywhere because we were so happy to be together once again. Eva then kissed me and it was like a miracle come true, it was the happiest day of my life. We flew back into the building to get the plant into the right place. Eva told me to stay where i was and not move as she would go get the plant. She was gone for some while so i got worried i went the same place she went. But as i was climbing up the garbage disposal and about to enter the captains room something landed on my head. I popped up and saw Eva, the captain, but also the auto bot. I looked at what was dropped on my head and it was the green object. I took it and put it in my storage as the auto bot was attacking me trying to get it. Then all of a sudden i was hit by this powerful shock from the auto bot and it felt as if i were about to die. They tossed me and Eva down the garbage dump.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

WALL-E Diary #3

Near the end of the night as i was showing Eva more of my items i have found. I decided to show her the green foreign object i found earlier. All of a sudden a green flashing light with a leaf popped up, i was alarmed by this and was unsure of what was going on. Then it seems as if Eva just shut down. I was scared, i had much fear now, i didn't know what was wrong, if i had done something to Eva. I took her everywhere i went to see if i could find or do anything to bring Eva back. After a whole day i just wasn't sure what to do anymore, so i left Eva on top of my house and went out to work. As i was cleaning up, i hear a rumble getting louder and louder. I look up in the sky to see what it is, and again like last time it was the same big flying object with flames landing in. It was going for Eva, it was taking her away! I drove as fast as i could go to get back a save Eva, i didn't want her to go. But the flying object got Eva, i had only one choice left. I leaped up onto the rail and held on with all my life. The flying object then blasted off into the sky. In a few seconds we reached a new area i have never seen, it seemed like just space. All these bright lights and wavy circles, it was something unreal and simple just amazing. At first i thought this flying thing was huge, but then we turn around a cloud and this gigantic flying object, about 100 times as big even more appeared. We enter into the flying machine and i make sure i follow Eva wherever it goes, i will not lose my sight on her. It goes through a bunch of scans from these other types of robots i have never seen before they were so hi tech. I tried everything to get by them and stick with Eva. So i get by them but then i enter into some sort of street with all these robots zooming by. I glance quickly and turn back and Eva is gone, i see it down the way. I chase Eva down rushing as fast as i could. After going through what seemed to be the whole place passing different things like: these larger talking objects that really had no clue what anything was going on, signs used by new technology, and many more items i have never seen. Finally we get into what seems to be the main room, the captains room. I stay right beside Eva but hidden and unseen. Then again one of those larger talking objects appear out of the door but in a white small fit jacket. He then went on a microphone and start talking to the other larger objects. Then came over to Eva and pushed a button and suddenly Eva was back to life. I was astonished with disbelieve. I wanted to go over and see what was happening but i had to stay hidden.

Monday, December 13, 2010

WALL-E Diary #2

Day two: I woke up today feeling a quite tired and restless; I was unable to get my self going for the first while. As i went out for work doing my daily route collecting trash, i came across some foreign items that caught my attention. I wasn't sure exactly what they were, but one item that caught my eye was some sort of green leafy object embedded in a mixture of some sort. I took some of each and stashed it away for later. I take this object back to my house to put it away, when all of a sudden a red dot appears on the ground. I was amazed with this and was following it around everywhere. I chased it for miles and miles until it stopped. I was trying to get a hold of it but it seemed as if i couldn't. Then a whole pile of red dots came about in a circle, a loud roar follows them. As i look into to sky to see what the sound is i am frightened as i see only a huge blast of flames coming i scramble to run away but the smoke and flames all around cave me in, my only hope ans last resort was to bury myself in the ground. As i uncovered myself from the molten rock shivering in fear, a machine pops out with some object i quick find cover. Then what appears to be another robot of another kind is no farther then 40 yards from me. It starts to move around doing things i have never seen. I follow it around the rest of the day trying to get noticed by it and find out what it is. The next day comes and as it is doing its own work i follow, then suddenly it shoots a blast of rays at me. It sees me and i take my step forward slowly making my way to it. We speak to each other about who we are, and what our job is. I find out the robots name is Eva. I can't seem to get it right though. Then another loud roar is upon me, i look down the landscape and see another heavy sandstorm inbound. I yell at Eva to follow me and get down, it does not follow. We are caught in the storm now, i rush over to grab Eva and we race all the way to my house and i take it inside. As the noise slowly runs away and the sound inside my house is silent, i show Eva around the place and some objects i have found. Eva is astonished with the things inside my house i show her. I show Eva the T.V i have and the dancing around they do. I try to make contact with Eva but I'm scared to see what happens.

Friday, December 10, 2010

WALL-E Diary #1

WELCOME to my BLOG! The next few posts will be a 1st person view(Wall-E) of the movie WALL-E.

I am Collin WALL-E, a bot made in 2805. I am a trash compactor robot left on earth to clean all the mass consumerism. All humanity left earth and entered into space because of this destruction to earth. All that was left behind was me and fellow robots, but they soon malfunctioned and died off. I am the only thing left on this planet, and it is my duty to take care of this drastic event. I was working along one day when i found a small little creature in the middle of one of my trash piles, i had no friends no one to see or anything, so i decided to take him with me along my journey. Riding around all day, everyday, picking up trash and cleaning up dusty, dirty streets is hard work. After all my work on the day i ride home with my fellow companion and enter to my house. I turned on my T.V and as i was cleaning up my eye was taking away by this beautiful girl dancing around and holding hands with this man, the scenery was breath taking. I went to take a look outside in the night sky trying to see past the dust and dirty floating in the sky to see whats really up there. But then in a sudden movement i hear a roar of tumbling thunder. I think to myself was is it now. I see just over the garbage piles a few miles down a huge dust storm was coming right for me. I rush back into my house and rush to lift the flap door up. It finally closes and I'm in my house all alone hearing the loud sounds scream by me. I roll up into my box and close my eyes and try to forget about all that's going on and just sleep and let the day end. Hopefully tomorrow morning will bring better life.